Do Shrimps Need a Filter? (What You Should Know)

If you’re new to keeping shrimps, it may not be clear what supplies you need in your equipment hub. An aquarium filter is generally needed to aerate the water in a fish tank but sometimes it’s not considered an important requirement. For shrimp owners, it is not always clear whether their little critters need a filter or not. So, do shrimps need a filter?

Yes, shrimps generally need a good filtration system or at least something to aerate the water such as plant life. A filter aerates the water and removes debris and toxins like nitrates and ammonia, allowing your shrimp to breathe. This means that if you don’t have a good filter installed, there’s a huge chance your shrimps will die from dirty water.

an aquarium shrimp

While shrimps are hardy and easy to take care of, it’s extremely important to create the perfect environment for them to thrive. Getting a filter is definitely a good step in the right direction. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about keeping shrimps and filters. 

What do Aquarium Filters do?

Aquarium filters are used to remove and filter both physical and soluble chemical waste in aquariums. Both freshwater and saltwater aquariums require reliable filter systems to create the right environment for hobby fishes. They also make maintenance easier. 

Specifically, filters eliminate dirt and debris from the water and remove dangerous chemicals like nitrates and ammonia that must have accumulated in the water. This is extremely important as these particles can cause your shrimps to die.  

In addition, due to the relatively small size of an aquarium compared to the natural habitat of these fishes, toxicity can easily increase. When this happens, the aquarium is no longer suitable to support them. This makes the use of filters necessary. 

Can shrimp survive without a filter?

If you have something in the tank that performs the same function as the filters (a good example is plant life), then the shrimps can survive without a biological filter. Otherwise, you need to purchase a high-quality filter. 

It is generally advised that you cycle your shrimp tank completely before adding any animals because shrimp are extremely sensitive to ammonia and nitrite. This entails using a filter for long enough to establish a sufficient population of helpful bacteria that will maintain acceptable levels of ammonia and nitrite.

This is something you should do regardless of the species of shrimp you have. You should give them the best care possible and this includes keeping the tank clean. 

Using Plant Life 

Shrimp excrete waste which encourages bacterial growth in the tank. Your shrimp won’t last very long if you don’t have a filter. In order to prolong their lifespan, tank filters effectively remove any residue and impurities from the water which is required to preserve the ideal tank ecology.

However, if you have a mature, densely grown tank, for instance, it is possible to have a filterless arrangement with proper planning. The Walstad method is the widespread name for this approach.

One approach to maintaining a healthy tank without running any mechanical filtration is the Walstad method. This entails putting a lot of plants in the aquarium, which will draw practically all of the ammonia out of the water.

Although it seems like a simple process, it actually takes a lot of plants to make it safe for shrimp. Here, floating plants are effective because they have access to both the nutrients in the water and the carbon dioxide in the air, which allows them to develop very quickly. 

Before adding life, you should make sure the tank is operating steadily for at least a few months to give the plants enough opportunity to establish themselves. Otherwise, there’s a risk they won’t be able to absorb the ammonia and other waste as fast as your livestock produce it.

Why should I use a filter in my shrimp tank?

Consider preparing a cup of tea in the bush while using water from a stream to help you survive. Since you don’t know what’s in the water, you won’t drink it straight from the stream. Instead, you’ll probably boil it and pass it through a filter to get rid of any particles and trash.

This is precisely what a tank filter does. It is made to get rid of any contaminants harmful to the aquatic life you keep in your aquarium. In addition, the filter also eliminates toxic buildup from waste that can suffocate your shrimp. This includes substances like ammonia and nitrite.

There are various factors to consider while selecting a filter for your shrimp tank. However, the size of your tank should be your topmost priority.

My top 3 best filter for shrimp tank are listed below:

AquaClear Aquariums Fish Tank Filter

The AquaClear Tank Filter offers exceptional filtration performance in tanks ranging from 5 to 110 gallons. It comes in five distinct variants to fit aquariums of varying sizes. Tanks up to 70 gallons can be accommodated by this model. 

The unit uses a filtration system with a precise contact time to decrease operational energy and costs. It combines mechanical and biological filtration through the use of the unique AquaClear foam, BioMax, cycle guard, and activated carbon. 

It also includes a foam insert to trap big particles and an insert of granular activated carbon to remove pollutants, tannins, and odor from the water. 

The filter can perform all types of chemical, mechanical, and biological filtration, which results in better water quality, making it a perfect fit for a shrimp aquarium. It also offers a sizable bio media space due to the presence of bioMAX ceramic rings, ensuring efficient and affordable waste treatment.

UPETTOOLS Biochemical Sponge Filters

The UPETTOOLS Aquarium Sponge Filter is a good-looking filter designed to efficiently clean bigger tanks thanks to its multi-layered filtration system. By directing the tank water through a unique sponge with seven layers of ribs, it improves the filtration quality. By providing a habitat for beneficial bacteria to thrive, it also establishes a stage of the biological purification process. 

After passing through the sponge, the water is filtered using a special filter box which can be filled with proper filtration media, such as media balls or active carbon. You may alter the filtration to meet the requirements of your tank.

For the cartridge box, the filter features ceramic media marbles. These balls are the best option if you don’t have any alternative special media because they boost the filter’s capacity for biological filtration. 

Marina S20 Power Filters

The unique streamlined design of the Marina Slim S10 Power Filter offers both functional and aesthetic benefits. It gives your shrimp tank a touch of elegance and takes up less space than other filters of comparable size. Additionally, the filter features a variable flow control so you control how fast it delivers water to your tank. 

By lowering the water flow rate or speed, the fish or shrimp will feel less anxious and stressed. This feature will also stop food particles from getting into the filter chamber.  

The set contains two Bio-Carb and two Bio-Clear filter cartridges. It also has Ceramitek, a highly porous ceramic filter media that maximizes biological filtration for a healthy aquarium or shrimp tank. 

The motor is housed inside the tank, which ensures noise reduction and cooling so there’s no overheating. 

Do ghost shrimp need a filter?

One of the most well-known shrimp species in the aquarium hobby is the ghost shrimp. Compared to regular goldfish, they seem considerably more attractive, robust, easy to care for, minimally messy and easy to keep.

Like goldfish, ghost shrimp do require a filter if you intend to keep them in a closed environment like a tank. Even though they do a good job of cleaning up themselves, nitrate and ammonia concentrations can quickly increase to harmful levels in the water column, necessitating the use of a filter.

The shrimp can’t thrive without a biological filtration system and steady air supply. However, it can survive in tanks with a lot of plants since the plants serve as an aerator and a filter.

It is worth mentioning that ghost shrimps are also known as glass shrimps. 

Do cherry shrimp need a filter?

Yes, a tank for cherry shrimp should be equipped with a sponge filter. However, food particles might get trapped in the filter, and the shrimp might spend time cleaning it. In order to maintain smooth water flow, it’s also a good idea to put an air stone in the tank that will pump bubbles into the water.

Cherry shrimps generally feel most comfortable in water that is clear and between 6.5 and 8.0 in pH, with a general temperature range of 14 to 26 degrees Celsius. They are omnivores and, in ideal conditions, have a lifespan of 1 to 2 years.

Do freshwater shrimp need a filter?

Freshwater shrimps generally need a good filter to thrive in a tank. It is generally advised that you cycle your shrimp tank completely before adding any animals because shrimp are extremely sensitive to ammonia and nitrite. This simply entails operating the filter long enough to establish a sufficient population of helpful bacteria that will maintain acceptable levels of ammonia and nitrite.

The majority of crystal and bee shrimp demand soft, low-pH water, whereas Sulawesi’s Caridina shrimp require higher pH, more alkalinity, as well as higher temperatures.

Do amano shrimp need a filter?

Amano shrimp, often known as the shrimp that eat algae, are interesting freshwater shrimp to raise. They aid in clearing debris from a tank.

Amano shrimp, like many other aquatic ornamental species, require a filter to survive in an aquarium.

Amano shrimp are susceptible to asphyxia and are sensitive to low oxygen levels. This variety of shrimp is kept in sponge filters because they readily consume leftover fish food from the filter.

Do pet shrimp need a filter?

Cherry shrimp, ghost shrimp, and blue shrimp are the three most common pet shrimps. They all need a filter.

Your pet shrimp will remain healthy and content if each tank has at least one filter, which also lowers the possibility of osmotic shock and all of its negative effects. Don’t forget, without a filter, they are also at risk of ammonia burns, and oxygen exhaustion. 

Do brine shrimp need a filter?

Filter feeders such as brine shrimp eat inert nutrients as well as particles in the water column. They need water that has been thoroughly filtered since the shrimps are little.

Due to their small size, brine shrimp can be easily sucked into standard fish filters. Therefore, using a sponge filter is crucial. This is much safer for them. 

Are filters safe for shrimp?

Yes, aquarium filters are generally safe for shrimps. They pose little to no risk to both adults and young shrimp as long as you choose the right model. 

In general, you should search for filters that can sustain a fine filter foam over the inlet pipe. This will stop any tiny shrimp from mistakenly being drawn into the pump and becoming trapped.

An inbuilt filter unit is a feature of several micro aquarium setups. Unfortunately, because their water intake is usually standardized, the majority of them are inappropriate for shrimp. These filters take in water through various perforations in their housing. The slit holes can serve as a trap for smaller shrimp, including adults and juveniles.

What if I don’t use a filter for my shrimp?

If you don’t use a filter for your shrimp, it could die from high toxicity in the aquarium.

The oxygen levels in the tank’s water drop when the quality drops, making it challenging for any creatures inside to breathe. The oxygen levels in the water decrease significantly more quickly in unfiltered tanks than they do in filtered tanks.

High levels of ammonia, which are caused by a buildup of waste from the fish or shrimp can cause ammonia burns. So, without a filter, ammonia accumulates more quickly, increasing the possibility of your shrimp getting burned. If the burns spread to the gills, the shrimp may exhibit rapid or labored breathing and a lack of vitality.

If not resolved, both ammonia burns and a lack of oxygen can be fatal. In most cases, the shrimp will eventually pass away.

Conclusion: Do Shrimps Need a Filter?

To conclude, shrimps need a filter. An aquarium filter helps to filter off toxic buildup in the tank. 

So, installing a good filter is one way to create the perfect home for your pet shrimps. This ensures the tank is safe for them to live in. I have mentioned three tanks here that work great for various species of shrimps. Do well to check them out. 

Let me know if you have any more questions.