How Far Do Flies Travel? (FULL ANSWER)

The word “flies” is a general term used to describe organisms in the order Diptera. They are distinctly known for having two wings which they use for locomotion. 

Like other animals, flies occur in varieties. In fact, there are about 120,000 different species of flies. Some of the more common ones are houseflies, fruitflies, blackflies, clusterflies, and adult horseflies. 

Each fly has a different flight adaptation and can cover different distances. Today, we will find out how far flies travel and other interesting facts. 

How Far Do Flies Travel

How far do flies travel? 

Flies can travel for about one to three miles on average, depending on the species. For instance, an adult horsefly can cover more than 30 miles because of its strong build and wings, while a common housefly can cover only 20 miles at best when in search of food.

How long can flies fly without landing?

Despite their small size, flies are quite energetic. They can fly for about five to six hours at a time without landing.

The amount of time they spend in the air does vary depending on the light conditions and the purpose of their flight. 

In general, flies spend more time flying when they’re in search of food or places with a lot of light. 

How fast can a fly fly?

Factors such as species, temperature, and wind pressure can affect the speed of a fly. 

On average, flies fly at a speed of 5 to 6 miles per hour. 

The speed is lower when in low-temperature conditions and high wind pressure  

Likewise, different fly species fly at different speeds. For example, the dragonfly flies at an average speed of 35mph, while housefly flies at an average speed of 5mph.

Why do flies fly low to the ground?

Generally, insects (including flies) thrive at an optimal temperature of 50 to 90 degrees F. At lower temperatures, they usually become very inactive and may even freeze. 

These optimal conditions usually exist at ground level. So, it makes sense for them to fly low to the ground. 

In addition, flies get their food from materials or sources on the ground. These include things like garbage cans, feces, and the remains of organic materials. 

How high can flies fly?

Different species of flies can attain different altitudes. The maximum altitude is highly dependent on the condition of the weather. Warmer climates are more favorable for flying. 

For instance, at moderate temperatures, a butterfly can fly up to 11,000 feet above ground level, while houseflies have an average peak altitude of 5000 feet.

How high can a fly fly before it dies?

Flies can fly up to several thousands of feet in the air, but they normally prefer to fly close to the ground, where they can find food and shelter. 

There is no distinct height at which flies will die, but they are naturally not adapted to flying at high altitudes for prolonged periods of time. 

If a fly is forced to fly at high altitudes for too long, it may get confused, exhausted, and eventually die.  

Where do flies go at night?

As mentioned earlier, flies become inactive in low temperatures. At night, the temperature drops below optimal values, which makes the flies inactive. They usually find a place to rest till the sun rises. 

In other words, flies are diurnal and thus carry out most of their activities during the day. Nighttime is for sleep or rest. 

Some of the places you may find flies resting outdoors include the inner surfaces of leaves, twigs, and branches, as well as in tall grass or beneath rocks. Indoors, flies rest on curtains, ceilings, walls, floors, and other protected areas.

Wrapping It Up

To conclude, flies can travel long distances in search of food, mates, or better living conditions. 

The exact distance covered may vary depending on the type of fly and environmental conditions. For instance, a fly will travel for a longer time if the wind currents and air pressure are favorable. 

While flies travel is essential for their survival, sometimes, it can aid the spread of diseases amongst other animals.  

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