Do Glofish Need A Heater (7 Facts To Know)

Glofish are known for their bright colors and can be seen glowing brilliantly under LED lights. As fluorescent fish, they are an attractive addition to any aquarium. 

However, keeping them as pets comes with some responsibilities, and part of this is ensuring they have a conducive environment. Specifically, they need a clean tank, food, “color,” and optimum water temperature. 

As you can see, the temperature of the water in their fish tank is crucial for their survival. This is where a heater comes in. 

Today, we will find out whether or not a heater is a strict requirement for a glofish tank and what steps you can take moving forward.

Do Glofish Need A Heater

Do glofish need a heater?

Yes, glofish need a heater in their tank to stay healthy. Because they are tropical fish, they are used to warm temperatures, which is why a heater is an essential part of their aquarium. Their temperature requirements are typically between 61 to 80 degrees F, depending on the species. The ONLY glofish that doesn’t require a heater is the Danios. 

What kind of heater do glofish need?

The water in your aquarium needs to be kept warm at all times. With glofish, you need a heater that’s adjustable and can keep the tank warm enough for your glofish.

The amount of heat a heater will supply depends on its power. You would also decide based on the tank size. Submersible heaters are used for most glofish tanks. 

You should choose heaters that are made for your aquarium size and type for the best level of performance and safety. 

What is the best temperature for glofish?

There are different species of glofish with different heat requirements.

Glofish Danio

These are genetically modified versions of the zebra danios. The temperature in their tank should be kept at 65-77°F and a pH of 6.5-7.5. This temperature range is required to keep the fish active and promote their overall well-being. 

Glofish danios are quite small and grow to be just 2 inches in length. Nevertheless, they are schooling fish and love to be in groups. A 10-gallon tank should be the smallest tank size used for them. This tank can hold 5 danios comfortably and lets them swim around as they’d like.

With sufficient care and comfort, these fish can live for up to eight years.

Glofish shark

It’s best to keep the temperature in a shark’s tank between 75 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of 6.5-7.5. You also need a big tank that can hold at least 30 gallons of water.

Glofish sharks are territorial and aggressive and can grow up to 6 inches in length. Having them together will lead to fights that often end in death.

You really should not have more than one in the tank. On the occasion that you do, the tank should be big enough to avoid clashes. 

Glofish betta

The temperature in a glofish betta tank needs to be 78-80°F. The pH of their water must be 6.8-7.0. 

This pH and temperature must be maintained to support their vibrant colors and health. They don’t do well in fluctuating temperatures. 

Because they are tropical species, glofish do not need to be kept in groups. They can survive in a small tank of five gallons. 

Glofish tetra

Glofish tetras are tropical freshwater fish. Temperatures between 71-80°F should replicate their natural habitat. 

Like Danios, they are also schooling fish. This means you would need a big tank holding up to 15 gallons to keep a group of glofish tetras. 

There are 2 kinds of glofish tetra; the long-finned glofish tetra and the common glofish tetra. 

All glofish generally do well in water with a pH level of 6-7.5. They can live up to 5 years and typically grow to be up to 3 inches in length.

Glofish barb

Barbs are more adaptable when it comes to their water temperature. They come from the original tiger barbs and generally love warmer conditions. 

Temperatures between 75 to 80°F and a pH of 6-7 is sufficient enough to keep your barbs comfortable.

Keeping glofish barbs means you will need a big tank that lets them grow and swim together. A tank that holds at least 30 gallons is a great place to start. A school of 6 will stay in a 30-gallon tank and will need a 150-watt heater.

Types of heaters for glofish

There are different types of heaters you can use for your glofish. The most common ones are:

Submersible heater

This type of heater can be completely submerged in water. You can put it into the fish tank, and it heats the water from within. This type is usually more effective than other types of heaters.

It usually features a heating coil in a plastic or glass tube. It heats the water from where you place it to the rest of the aquarium. 

The best place to keep a submersible heater is near the water inlet or any other position with good water circulation.

Immersible heater

This works a lot like the submersible heater, except that it’s not meant to be submerged in water. It is made up of a suction part (also known as a clip) and a heating part. It is typically installed on the side of the aquarium.

The clip is hung on the body of the aquarium while the heating part is dipped into the water. This heating coil begins to heat up the water, and the flow of water currents helps circulate the heat throughout the tank. 

This type of heater is more suited for bigger tanks or tanks with a lot of decor that may possibly obstruct a submersible heater.

Filter heater

This heater acts as a filtration device as well as a heater. It usually consists of a filter, a heater, and an added pump, all in one unit. It keeps the water clean and can also heat it up.

This unit is usually submersible and can be installed in the fish tank. It usually comes with a thermostat that detects fluctuations in the water temperature.

Once the water drops below the desired level, the heater is activated, and the water is warmed up.

Heaters with thermostats or thermometers generally offer better temperature regulation. Features like auto shutoff can also prevent overheating. 

Where do you put a heater in a glofish tank?

The best place to put a heater depends on the type of heater. For instance, a submersible heater can be attached inside the tank in an area with good water circulation, such as the water outlet. 

You can also keep it near the bottom of the tank. This will ensure even heat distribution and prevent temperature fluctuations.  

Our Top Recommendation for the Best Glofish Heater

For the best glofish heaters, here are three options we recommend.

GloFish Submersible Heater: This heater is specifically made for different types of glofish. It can be used for small tanks with 2 to 10 gallons capacity. It has auto temperature regulation. Although it is not adjustable, you can connect it to an external temperature controller for easy adjustment and control.  It is easy to clean and can shut down on its own to prevent overheating.

Tetra HT Submersible Aquarium Heater: Tetra HT comes with a thermostat for better regulation of temperature. The low-voltage thermostat maintains its temperature at 78°F. No adjustment is required with the heater. It has two lights to indicate different modes. The red light shows you when the heater is currently working. The green light indicates it’s on standby mode. The device is small enough to stay hidden within the plants or decor inside the tank.

Orlushy Submersible Aquarium Heater: This adjustable heater operates at 100W. It comes with 2 suction cups and is well-suited for bigger fish tanks. It’s also equipped with a thermometer to indicate temperature at any time. 

Can glofish survive in low temperatures?

Glofish are made for warm environments. They cannot survive in low-temperature waters for long periods. 

So, a very important aspect of taking care of them is ensuring the water in their tanks is as close as possible to the water in their natural habitat. 

Allowing the water to get too cold could lead to shock, compromise their immune system and eventually lead to death. 

So, it’s highly recommended to use a heater in their tanks to make sure the water is always warm enough. 

Other Related Questions About Glofish And Heaters

Do glofish danio need a heater?

Not really. Glofish danios do not need a heater in their tanks. They are probably the only species that can survive in colder temperatures. Glofish Danio can withstand significant changes in temperature and may not be affected much by colder temperatures. However, it’s still a good idea to get a heater for their tanks to create the best living conditions. 

Do glofish tiger barbs need a heater?

Yes, a heater is a good way of maintaining the temperature in the tank. Glofish tigers have a temperature requirement of 75-80 degrees F. Besides being warm, you should also ensure the water is clean. Barbs are prone to getting ich (a protozoan disease). 

Do glofish shark need a heater?

Glofish sharks need a heater. In fact, they are the most tropical species and usually require temperatures up to 80°F.

Do glofish need cold or warm water?

Since glofish are tropical species, they thrive in warm water. Cold water can be harmful as it may slow down their metabolism and affect their appetite.

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